Article I This organization shall be known as the Austin Association for Financial Professionals, hereinafter referred to as “AAFP.” Article II Mission Statement AAFP is a non-profit organization created for the purpose of providing and maintaining a forum for designated representatives of entities, organizations, or individuals for the active and open exchange of ideas, concepts, and techniques related to the rapidly changing field of cash and treasury management. Article III Membership The membership of AAFP shall be open to organizations and individuals as defined by the following characteristics: Organizations Membership shall be open to all organizations, companies, or corporations with a treasury management function. Such membership shall be open to and be inclusive of all entities, including public and private entities, and financial institutions, which possess a cash and/or treasury management function. Organization membership shall be in the name of the entity, with the name of each individual designated at the time of the application. Individuals Membership shall be open to individuals whose primary activity relates to cash and treasury management, whether directly or in a consulting capacity. Associate Members Associate membership shall be open to individuals who have an interest in the treasury management profession, but are not currently employed or actively involved in the treasury management profession. This may include students of higher education or temporarily unemployed or retired individuals. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote or hold any Board of Director/officer position. They are entitled to attend all AAFP meetings and may be involved in committees, special events groups, etc. Cancellation, Resignation or Withdrawal Membership may be canceled by AAFP at any time due to improper conduct of any individual or entity by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of AAFP. Any resignation, withdrawal or cancellation of a membership shall not result in a refund of dues paid or owed at the time of such action. Transfers Any member, corporate or individual, that is in good standing, may transfer his or her membership to another representative or individual upon written notice to the Vice President of Membership. Voting Rights Only duly paid and authorized members shall be entitled to vote. Each member shall be entitled to only one vote. Votes may be cast in person at a regularly scheduled meeting or, if required, by written or electronic ballot. If by written or electronic ballot, each member shall be entitled to receive and vote one ballot. All issues shall be settled by a majority vote of the votes cast. Article IV Board of Directors Function The officers of AAFP shall be a President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Communications, Secretary/Treasurer and ATTA Representatives. The officers shall perform the duties described below and in accordance with parliamentary order. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting as defined in Article V to serve a term of one year and until their successors are elected. Their term shall begin on January 1st of the following calendar year. No person shall hold office if he or she is not a member and no member shall hold more than one office at a time. Privilege Each member of the AAFP Board of Directors shall be entitled to a one year free membership during the year of service to AAFP. President The President, as Chief Executive Officer, shall preside at all AAFP meetings at which he or she is present and make the annual reports to the members. He or she shall have general charge of the business and affairs of AAFP. Subject to the control of the Board, the President may execute in the name of AAFP any authorized AAFP obligation or other instrument, and shall perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors of AAFP from time to time. The President shall serve as the representative to the Association for Financial Professionals. The President shall manage or supervise the conduct of AAFP’s finances and relations of AAFP with its members and with the public. He or she may delegate such powers from time to time so long as it is specified in writing, with a copy of each delegation and of any revocations or change filed with the Secretary/Treasurer. The President appoints, with concurrence of the Board of Directors, AAFP members as a result of any vacancy of any Board member, to remain in effect until the following term. The President, presiding over the Board, shall have the power to call Board meetings and to poll the Board when he or she deems necessary and execute its decisions. The President shall act as the representative for AAFP at all public functions. Vice President of Programming The Vice President of Programming shall assist the President and, in the absence of the President, function in its capacity. He or she shall serve as the Chairperson for the Program/Education Committee. This responsibility includes coordinating and developing program subject selections, presentations, speaker arrangements and logistics. He or she shall organize and facilitate activities to raise the level of the members’ treasury and financial management expertise. In addition, it is also the Chairperson’s responsibility to assure a majority of general membership meetings comply with the AFP’s requirements so that members with Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) or Certified Cash Manager (CCM) designation may receive the appropriate pre-approved credits. Vice President of Membership The Vice President of Membership shall perform the duty of Chairperson of the Membership Committee. As Chairperson, the responsibility for administering the outlined membership rules, screening proposed applicants for membership and introducing newly accepted members to AAFP. He or she shall be responsible for updating and maintaining a prospect list and actively pursuing the prospects with assistance from the other AAFP Board members and membership. The Vice President of Membership shall maintain the records of paid members, as received from the Secretary/Treasurer, for the purpose of producing an annual Membership Directory. Vice President of Communications The Vice President of Communications shall perform the duty of Chairperson of the Communications Committee. As Chairperson, he or she shall be responsible for the all communications and content as it relates to the AAFP website and social media pages. He or she will coordinate with each of the Board Members to make sure all content is complete and accurate before being sent out to members or posted on the AAFP website and social media pages. Additionally, the Vice President of Communications will be responsible for the publication of the AAFP’s quarterly newsletter. Secretary/Treasurer As Secretary, he or she shall be responsible for recording minutes of each regularly scheduled AAFP Board of Directors meeting. As Treasurer, he or she shall perform duties relating to the collecting of dues or disbursing of funds, shall maintain a record of the cash receipts and disbursements and make a report at each Board of Directors meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of a budget, as well as any filings required by any government agencies, and perform all other duties relative to the office of Secretary/Treasurer. Alliance of Texas Treasury Associations (ATTA) Representative This elected position shall serve AAFP as liaison between AAFP and ATTA and provide information regarding the state of affairs of the other participating Texas Treasury Management Associations: Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio; and attend ATTA meetings from time to time as necessary. The ATTA representative shall serve as Chairman of TEXPO - Austin during the year in which AAFP hosts TEXPO. The primary ATTA representative shall appoint an alternate ATTA representative approved by the Board of AAFP. He or she will serve on the TEXPO committee. Both the primary representative and the alternate shall have same voting rights as other AAFP Board members. Article V Meetings Annual Meeting The annual meeting of AAFP shall be held during the fourth quarter to elect Officers for the next fiscal year and to discuss such regularly scheduled business as needed. Regularly Scheduled Meetings AAFP will plan to have, in addition to its Annual Meeting and Conference, seven (7) chapter meetings for the general membership. The chapter meetings will be held any month that does not conflict with the Annual Meeting, TEXPO or a half or full day conference. Conferences Half or full day conferences shall be held at such time and at such convenient locations as determined from time to time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of AAFP. At a minimum, there shall be one half day or full day conference each year. Location of Meetings The Board of Directors of AAFP shall have the authority to designate the meeting place for any meeting called at their discretion. The Board shall assure such meeting place shall be convenient and accessible to the majority of the members. Conduct of the Meeting The President shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for the preparation of the agenda and for designating the order of business. In the President’s absence, the meeting shall be led by the Vice President of Programming, the Vice President of Membership, the Vice President of Communications or Secretary/Treasurer, in such order of availability. All meetings shall be conducted in a professional manner and shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Quorum A quorum shall consist of one third of the voting members of AAFP. Guests Members may sponsor guests from time to time. The inviting member shall be responsible to AAFP for the payment of the guest’s appropriate expenses, if any, associated with the meeting attended by the guest. If a fee is required of the guest, it shall be published in meeting notices prior to the scheduled meeting. Dispute Resolution (Moved from Article III) Any dispute shall be resolved in a manner consistent with these Bylaws and by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of AAFP Article VI At least thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting, the Vice President of Membership shall prepare a list of officer candidates for the succeeding fiscal year which shall be presented to the Board. At least ten days prior to the Annual Meeting, this list shall be presented to the members, by written or electronic means, for voting purposes at the Annual Meeting. Nominations may be received from the floor from any qualified member. Dues There shall be an annual dues assessment. The amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors of AAFP, by majority vote. Dues shall be payable by March 31 of the new fiscal year. AAFP does not require members to join the Association of Financial Professionals (AFP). Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall be January – December. Amendment to the Bylaws Requests for Bylaw amendments may be submitted by an AAFP member in good standing for consideration by the Board. Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted or repealed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the eligible members present, in person or by written notice, at a regularly scheduled meeting. Dissolution In the event that AAFP is dissolved or otherwise concludes its affairs, any remaining assets, after the payment of all liabilities, shall be donated to a charitable institution(s) selected by a majority vote of the Board. Last Update: December 9, 2015 |